Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 Wrap -up

I realize it’s been quite a long time since I last posted, but sometimes I just have either nothing going on, or no ideas.
I did have one post written, but I lost it somewhere and am too old and senile to recreate it.
Here’s the wrap up for 2013:

January 2013: Crypto-‘Nuf said

February 2013: I got a wicked sinus infection and wanted to crawl into my bed and never come out.

March 2013: I think I started guitar lessons

April 2013: Continuing guitar lessons, beginning to suspect I am not any good

May 2013: Started volunteering at the SPCA- Spending two hours a week petting kitty cats-yes please J

June 2013: Spent time “working on myself”-I’m happy to be single cause I’m ok with me!

July/Aug 2013: Unexpectedly got a bf, who’s “visit” was extended ie) he wouldn’t leave my house…, lost said bf after gushing about him publicly. Realized that although he was good for me in a lot of ways, I also dodged a MAJOR bullet…haha
Also suffered from what I can only describe as the worst sore throat I’ve ever had. Felt like mutant strep throat. That’s 4 weeks of my life I will never get back…(Hmmm, I can say the same thing about ex boyfriend)…Interesting….

Aug 2013: It’s also my bday-I can say I’m 32 without feeling too terrible about myself and my accomplishments. Except guitar- that I gave up on- I suck….really really bad…(Sorry guitar hero, I know you tried)

September 2013: Foster kittens galore-my house begins to stink

October 2013: Happy Thanksgiving-God I love pie…

November 2013: Started seeing a wonderful guy who is younger than me (rawr!) and super sweet and just amazing to be around. Spent most of November walking around on cloud 9-I did however learn my lesson from Aug and have refrained from gushing too much publicly.

December 2013: The holidays-my favorite time of year! I love Christmas and getting giving gifts. London and I decided to go to Banff this year instead of giving each other presents. We still got a few little things for each other. I got tickets to the Harry Potter Exhibit (he bought 2 so that means he must want to go too, right?) and I got him pajamas and ladies gloves (that was an accident….)
Had an amazing time in Banff-we went to this really super fancy restaurant to “treat” ourselves for our anniversary. Courtney however made the mistake of mentioning to the waiter that it was our anniversary. Meaning our “dating” one…they assumed we were married…so imagine look on London’s face when he said “Oh Happy Anniversary Mr. and Mrs……”
I’ve never seen anyone’s jaw drop that fast, and he denies it but I swear he went completely white….
I was amused and didn’t want to embarrass the waiter so I went with it and put my fake diamond ring on my ring finger….cause that’s completely normal…
The food was amazing- I’m pretty sure the rich eat waaaay better than I do. This was definitely not the Keg.
The next day we decide to do some shopping, head up on the gondola, and then take a dip in the hot springs.
I am not good with heights. I should have figured that perhaps scaling up a mountain in a rickety swinging little carriage thing would not make me feel safe. I spent most of the way up chanting in my head “Oh my God, please do not let me die wearing this ridiculous toque.
The summit was amazingly beautiful, and I managed to get a few pics in before I let my fear of heights get to me.
The way down was better, but still not so good for me. And London was right there beside me….laughing his ass off!
Next was a dip in the Banff Hot Springs.  It took me a while to get used to the fact that I’m in my bathing suit in the dead of winter in a pool, and that while I was warm, my hair was frozen.
I also couldn’t help wonder a) how many people have peed in the pool and b) why is it necessary to wear a speedo and/or a white bathing suit???
All and all it was a great ending to a rather crappy year. I’m sure 2014 will be amazingly better and I’m looking forward to it.

Happy New Year Everyone!! 


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