What’s your idea of Heaven?
It’s an interesting question I think. I recently started thinking about it when I overheard someone say “such and such is my idea of heaven”
With my religious upbringing, I was always taught to believe and I guess still do that there is a place where your soul goes after you die. When I was a kid in Sunday school, it was made out to be a place with huge golden gates, fluffy clouds and happy little cherub angels flying around.
But what if you don’t like fluffy clouds? And I personally do not care for gold. Does this mean then I will not enjoy heaven? There are a lot of people on this Earth,is there truly a one size fits all place where we all will end up?
If /When (and I only say if so as to try not to offend anyone) God did in fact create the Earth, that’s a pretty intricate thing. Why then would he cheap out and allow the afterlife to be boring, monotone and the same experience for all? Everyone has different experiences while on Earth, surely the place where we spend eternity could be to our specifications?
I know personally I’ve been through some very tough and challenging times (as have countless others) and I’m sorry, but if I get to the pearly gates and there is nothing but clouds I’m going to be super pi$$ed off.
So, I started thinking-if I could customize my own heaven, what would it be?
Well, obviously it would have things that I enjoy:
Cats-duh! hundreds and hundreds of cats!!! Except in heaven there is no litterbox to clean. Yuck. Or shedding hair….
Dogs- sure, but not as many cause I’m uncomfy with all the slobber. Although I guess technically I could just have that removed….ok sure lots of doggies too!
Music- There would have to be music playing pretty much 24/7. And good music too! None of this Psy, Rebecca Black, youtube crap that’s out there now. Perhaps live music with all the fantastic musicians who have passed on (providing they make it there….)
Dancing-to go along with the music. I luv to bust me a move when I’m all alone….I’m particularly proficient at any car/chair dancing.
FOOD-OMG this is the best one!!! I would be able to eat ANYTHING I wanted and not turn into a two ton Tessie. “Hey Court, would you like a donut for breakfast?”” Why yes I would thank you. And you can just set that pan of Brownies right over here…….” I’m sure I’d probably get sick of it occasionally, but since I’m in heaven I’d just reset!
I think finally, I would choose the ability to be able to master anything I wanted. For example….I would like to be able to sing. And since I’m dead and in heaven, it will be the most beautiful sound anyone has ever heard! In reality, I really do like to sing, and in my brain I’m fan freaking tastic! In reality though, I sound like someone has shoved a bird in a blender and hit the puree switch. So I keep it to myself.
Another thing would be a musical instrument that I would bypass the practicing and just be super awesome at….as you can guess, this stems from the fact that I’m currently taking guitar lessons and I’m not going to lie guys- it’s not going super well………..I’m going to venture a guess though and assume it’s because I’m terrible at practicing. See above wish to not have to do that…..
But lucky for me, Guitar Hero is very patient, and hopefully not sick of me because I’m going to have to take lessons for the next 10 years……I’m hoping in 2 I’ll be able to actually play a song…..
I’m sure there’s other things I’m forgetting but since it’s customized, I’ll just add them in as I go along- because it’s my heaven!
I’d be curious to know if anyone else has thought about this and what your idea would be. Drop a comment if you’d like!
Thanks for stopping by……
I never thought about it like this...very nice
Love the mama
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