Is rock really the young man's game?
So Wednesday afternoon I'm sitting at my desk working when my phone rings. It was a co worker of mine and she says "Hey Courtney, do you want to go to Bon Jovi tonight?"
My first thought was "On a Wed night? Who goes out late during the work week?" My second thought was "God, you're getting old...." My third thought was "Yes, I think I do want to go"
You see, in truth I am not a "fan" of Bon Jovi. I don't own any of their albums and the only songs I know are the radio singles. But- these guys have been making music as long as I've been alive! How could I pass up the experience? Besides-tickets were only $20. Sure, the seats were in the nosebleeds, but I have ears don't I?
So, after a little juggling, I managed to rustle up a concert companion. I had to take the LRT for the first time by myself to meet her. I've always been a little leery of the LRT and seeing someone get arrested did not alleviate my fear. But there ended up being enough people heading to the concert that it was totally fine.
We get to the concert at around 7:45, get a drink and find our seats. The lights went down and I was preparing to judge the opening band (you know we all do!) So imagine my surprise when Bon Jovi themselves came out!
I thought "NICE!, They start at 8, play their 90 mins and I'm at home in bed by 10."
Nope, I was wrong. They played for nearly 3 hours! Not once did Jon Bon Jovi stop moving, dancing and shaking around. Not once did his voice strain or crack. Did I mention he is 51 years old?
It reminded me of the Pearl Jam concert I went to in 2011. They played for over 2.5 hours and when the house lights came on Eddie Vedder said "I'm not done yet" and kept playing.
Metallica in 2012 was much the same.
It's clear these people LOVE what they do. They must-they're likely rich enough to stop whenever they want.
Now-I'm not saying that all bands of today- the "young" bands are the same-I don't want to stereotype, but a lot of the ones I've seen stand static as they play their 90 min set, don't talk much except for the obligatory "Hellooo (city of the day), are you ready to rock?"
Please don't send me a bunch of comments telling me you saw Band A or Band B and they were awesome. As I said earlier, this is based on what I've seen, and I've been to a lot of concerts.
I left at the end of the night fully entertained and I definitely got my moneys worth.
But I do wonder if rock really is the young man's game? And if not, what will it be like when the Pearl Jams, Bon Jovis and Rolling Stones of the world are gone?
My view of the concert
Oh good post.
Three words: Weird Al Yankovic. Best. Concert. Ever.
I have an answer. The world will go completely effing dark when the old rock bands die. Absolutely no question. Signed Momma G.
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