Monday, April 22, 2013

Is it possible to inject the caffeine directly into my veins?

I’m guessing you can tell by my title that I LOVE coffee. If I could drink it all day long I would.
I remember when I was younger, I would wake up and I could smell the coffee brewing and I knew that it was the weekend. My parents would make bacon and eggs and have coffee and it was family time. We all had our jobs; dad was in charge of the bacon, mom the eggs, and me the toast. I took my job VERY seriously. It was a lot of responsibility to put the butter on the toast without tearing it or burning the bread. (OK well not really but at the time, I thought it was super important) We even had a really embarrassing name for it based on my nickname…”Tender Toast by Tortie” I also remember the adults in my family all having coffee at our cabin in the summer mornings. If I try hard enough, I can think back and remember the smell of the coffee and the sounds of everyone waking up and chatting and making plans for the day. Sometimes they’d sit on the deck outside and I can still hear the birds and the frogs and it was simply one of the best memories I have. It really makes me miss my grammy. My grandmother, not the award……

I was always eyeing my dad’s coffee; he put in two teaspoons of sugar and a LOT of evaporated milk. I remember thinking that if it smelled that good, surely it tasted the same? I got my answer when I was around 10 or 11 and I got to have my first cup all by myself! (Yes my parents gave me coffee when I was 10.I also rode in the car with no seatbelt and ate dirt and cat food and was exposed to all sorts of germs and GASP, I turned out A.OK)
Anyway, I was very happy to say that it did taste that good!! From then on I always wanted some because I liked it (well I liked the cream and milk.) my mom made me try her black coffee but that tasted icky…

I got to have the occasional cup as a treat and then when I was in my late teens I started having it in the mornings. I used to be satisfied with a cup in the morning and that was kind it. Then as time went on, I discovered the joy of Starbucks and all the different flavors and way to prepare the coffee that they had. I could have it any time of day and the caffeine never affected me. I could have a cup and then go right to bed if I really wanted to.

When I started my “diet” last year, the book said that I could not have coffee and that was the only rule I could not bring myself to follow. I tried for a day or two but had the withdrawal headache so bad I thought my head was going to split in two. But I tried to follow it as best I could. I went from my usual two tsp of sugar and skim milk to no sugar and straight whipping cream. (that’s how the diet worked) It took a bit of getting used to but now it’s ok. But I will admit, since I couldn’t have treats on my detox phase, coffee became my treat. It was what got me through the day. 

About a month ago, I had my usual two cups during the day and had myself a latte after supper to relax (thank God someone invented the Tassimo!) I went to bed at my usual time and just laid there with my eyes wide open. I did not associate it with the coffee I had earlier that evening. I tossed and turned and rolled around most of the night. I woke up feeling like a zombie, but had my beloved coffee to wake me up.

The same thing happened for a few nights and I could not figure out what was going on.
My friend then said the obvious “Well maybe it’s the caffeine?” “NOOOOOOOOO, please God, anything but that” But I tested it. Yep, that’s what it was! I can now only have one cup in the morning and maybe one mid morning, but nothing after that or I am wide awake at night. My best friend in the whole world has turned on me! It’s been a couple weeks and I’m sticking to it, as difficult as it is. One day though I’m totally going to rebel and have a latte at night and screw you body, deal with it!!! Man, getting older sucks!


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