Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nancy Wilson I am not...........

I decided that this is the year that I’m going to attempt all the things that I have always wanted to do but have been either too a)chicken or b)poor.
Since option b) does still play into the equation I’m going to have to maybe stretch it to a few years, but I did start with one thing. Guitar lessons…..

I have attempted this a few times before throughout my life, but have either quit because it’s too “hard,” or my teacher has been my dad who should not be allowed to teach anyone anything.

My earliest memory of this was when I was about 7 or 8 I think. There is a photo of me and my dad with our matching guitars. I should have stuck with it then, but I think I was distracted by something shiny and moved on. It made for a good photo op though.

Then when I was older I thought Well my dad plays bass-maybe I could tackle that.
So I asked dad who sat me down on the couch and popped in a Mavericks CD. Here’s how that little exchange went:
Dad: “Ok, do you hear that? Do you hear the bass?”
Me: “Yes, I have ears don’t I?”
Dad: “Ok, go ahead”
Me: “Go ahead and what?”
Dad: “Go ahead and match it”
Me: “I am outta here”

A few years ago, I thought, well I don’t need anyone to help me, I will learn it online. So I once again borrowed dad’s guitar, and sat myself down to learn. Since he hadn’t played in a while, it needed to be tuned. No problem says I because I have his handy dandy little tuner thing.
What it does not explain to you, is which way to turn the little doohickey thing. (I don’t know the proper name for it yet)
As you can probably guess, I turned it the complete wrong direction, until the string was so tight, it snapped off and nearly whipped me in the eye.
All I heard was “woooosh” and moved my face just in time.
That was the end of that.

I won't even bother trying to explain the banjo debacle of 2002.

So now at the age of 31, I have decided to try once more. But this time, I thought I’d do it properly-and as long as it wasn’t too expensive I was ready to go. So onto Kijiji I went. I was briefly concerned about ending up at the house of a psychopath, but I put the thought behind me and kept searching.
I was so happy when I saw the ad for a guitarist of a band whose name I actually recognized, and I think I even saw live once or twice like 8 years ago. I thought that surely someone like that would charge an arm and a leg for lessons. So I took a shot and sent in my request for info. Imagine my surprise when he got back to me and it was sooo reasonable. Since I’m not using anyone’s name here, I will simply refer to him as “Guitar Hero”

I started the lessons a few weeks ago, and it is NOT easy when you’re old and your fingers do NOT cooperate with your brain.
To top that off, Guitar Hero told me last week that I’m going to have to keep my nails short if I want to play. Well OK, I can wear polish, that’s not a big deal….I hate short nails but at least my hands still look girly.
Then I noticed the tip of my fingers felt a little numb. So I asked my dad about it, and he said “Oh, you’re starting to develop calluses” I said “Excuse me?”
Yep, short nails and callused fingers-man hands here I come :(
But at least as my dad so cheerfully pointed out "Well if you cut your finger you won't even feel it!"
This time, I am determined to stick with it, and practice every day. It helps that Guitar Hero is a fantastic teacher, and I actually look forward to every Thursday night!
And bonus: He is not a psychopath!

I wish!
Photo courtesy of


At April 11, 2013 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happened to violin lessons?

At April 11, 2013 at 6:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the banjo era, and yeah I forgot about the violin too. Well keep at it.
This is your mother, this stupid thing won't let me post my name. So from now on I will be Anonymous but I will put from the mama

At April 11, 2013 at 7:00 PM , Anonymous Courtney said...

Well thanks mama...haha-at least I know you're reading it :)
The violin is collecting dust in my closet, but I think if I took it out I could still throw down a pretty decent "soft kitty"
And let's not even discuss the banjo.....

At April 12, 2013 at 9:24 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

As a former partner in crime of yours, I must say that I really enjoy your writing and storytelling abilities. Keep writing, you are very good at it! I would even consider approaching your local newspaper as a regular blogger. We had many great times of laughter and I'm glad to see that you haven't changed!

At April 12, 2013 at 9:45 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

Thanks Jenn! Appreciate the feedback :)

I don't think I could write about all the "smart" things we did though....I have a reputation to uphold! LOL

At April 12, 2013 at 11:23 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

Yes, me too! LOL

Keep up the good work and if you ever write a book, I would hope a signed copy would be in order!

Talk later!

At April 13, 2013 at 7:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very entertaining, Courtney. Well, done. Love the pix. Would like to see the one of you and your dad! Keep them coming.

At April 15, 2013 at 9:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, Congrats on your losses: junk food; 40 lbs; Crypto et all...
and CONGRATULATIONS on this 'em all. Good stuff girl!
I have an suggestion for you, kiddo. Since most single gals like yourself seem to have kitty kats as companions and all swear that their's is the smartest purr pal ever. I'd like you to reveal an in depth conversation with your furry friend. I'm sure you chat with each other. Tell us about what makes him/her/it special. The traits of a fab feline. And give us your view on who's smarter: dogs or cats and why the blind don't use seeing eye cats? Your take would make interesting reading.
Keep up the good work.
Uncle T.

At April 15, 2013 at 10:19 AM , Anonymous Courtney said...

Haha Oh Uncle T, you crack me up.
Thanks very much for the kind feedback and a couple of new ideas that I definitely can use:)
Although sadly, as much as I do love my little feline friends, I am a terrible "mother" since I am pretty sure one of them needs a little kitty helmet.....but I shall elaborate more in another post.

At April 16, 2013 at 12:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG. You've got me laughing out loud now. Holy crap you're good at this blogging thing. Carry on my girl. Faneffingtastic. I want to swear like a mofo but I don't know if that's allowed. Later gater. Signed Momma G.


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