In my world boiled chicken will never taste as good as KFC...
So I recently lost 40 pounds…(okay, not recently, I think it took me around 10 months)
The first 20 were to get rid of the 20 I put on while eating my way through the junk food aisle going through a small “sad” period….
“No really, I’m not sad…gobble gobble…I’m fine… please pass the chocolate”
The other 20 were really just a bonus.
How did I lose the weight? Well it was quite simple really. It would appear,stuffing my piehole daily with all things cakes, cookies and Starbucks( yes that totally counts) contributed significantly to my weight gain. Therefore logically, one could assume that no longer stuffing said piehold would have the opposite effect.
OMG it totally did!
Here’s my issue:
I do not like eating healthy. I actually HATE it with every fibre of my being. BUT I enjoy wearing nice clothes and approaching potato sack lady status was becoming a bit of a perturbing thought.
Maybe it’s because I am, at heart a total carb and sugar addict and being told that all the things I like to eat contain those very things annoys me to my very core, or maybe, just maybe it’s being inundated by stick thin “healthy” people saying that “OH it’s soooo easy to work out for 5 hours a day and eat kale- I LOVE it”
You are either the most boring person on the planet or a total LIAR!
So, my rant really boils down to the fact that eating healthy and working out is probably actually a really good thing for a person. In body and mind, BUT don’t lie and pretend it’s easy… I do it because I have to.
I may possibly rant about this again because it’s a particularly hot button issue for me. I’d also be curious to hear if anyone else feels the same way.
I agree, anybody who says Kale and boiled chicken is good is fibbing. All things in moderation I say. Even exercise.
Nothing tastes as good as KFC - while you are eating it - but then afterward, you have to go through the car wash, on the outside of the car, because you are a greasy mess and you hate yourself. So, yeah, it's the shits. Here's a tip from the other side: once you get past 50, you don't care about it anymore, and embrace the potato sacks. Hang in there, Courtney.
Yes. Yes I completely agree. With every single syllable. Chewing kale reminds me vaguely of a cross between a plastic green garbage bag and the crap they put on your plate as garnish. Oh wait. I think that IS kale... Keep on xercizing Tortie. Soon you will be able to bounce quarters off your ass. Signed Momma G.
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