Reality TV…….friend or foe?
I remember when we first moved to the city from our small little town. For the first time, I had access to hundreds of channels compared to the peasant vision we had on the farm. For those of you who do not know what peasant vision is-it is the bunny ears television set that gets two channels, has no remote (except you-the child)and is filled with all the wonderful quality programing the CRTC will allow. Soooo not much.
Anyway, being 13 and all of a sudden in the “big” city, I developed a bad habit of watching hours and hours of TV. I distinctly remember my mom telling me to go outside and get some sun because TV was rotting my brain. But oh the things I watched! There were reruns of old shows, sitcom after sitcom, a whole channel just of music videos and one of cooking shows. I was in heaven! But my all-time favorite channel was the History channel! I absolutely loved all the shows they had on there about the ancient Greeks and Romans, battles and myths. Archeology digs in Egypt, Pyramids and mummies. What was even more awesome was I could get McDonalds AND watch TV (partially how I ended up being a citizen of fat town)
Eventually though, as time went on, I noticed a few changes. My beloved Food Network filled with hours of actual cooking shows became Food Network Canada (which blows by the way) and had programs like Top Chef, Restaurant Makeover and Chopped added to the lineup. They were all competitions or “reality” tv of some kind. Nobody cooked on a channel that is called the “FOOD NETWORK”
My music channel that played music videos now consisted of shows like The Hills and Jersey Shore. Maybe it’s just me but I don’t understand why anyone would want to watch a bunch of spoiled rich kids run around? As it turns out, I had heard that The Hills was like 90% fake or what they call “scripted reality” Um…if it’s scripted it’s not reality……
Even my beloved History channel added some “reality” to its content…..
Then the Bachelor and Bachelorette started…..I have seen these shows of course, but it’s beyond me how anyone thinks they could find their true love in front of the world after such a short amount of time and with a bunch of other men/women as “competition” I always laugh when I hear that so and so broke up….Well duh!
I have to admit, American Idol was interesting, the first season……after that, meh…. It’s at least a talent based show though, so there seems to be a bit of a point to it. I also thought Amazing Race and Big Brother were neat-again, only the first time around. There is such a thing as “too much of a good thing”
But, at least those shows seem to be competition of some kind. There is a purpose and an end point. What is the end point or goal of “Housewives of (Insert City name here)? They don’t do anything except host parties and fight with each other? If I wanted to watch that, I would watch wrestling.
I also recently saw one called “Big Rich Texas”….I didn’t watch it, but I’m assuming the general idea is that these people are rich and live in Texas. Again, how boring is my life that I’d want to sit down and watch somebody else live theirs?
Don’t even get me started on the Kardashians…I’ve never seen a group of more snotty, self-absorbed, entitled brats in my entire life. (Except for maybe Paris Hilton)
Allow me to get to the point of my little rant though. The first days of reality TV were kind of interesting. There were cool competitions and original, interesting concepts. But now there seems to be a reality show about everything and I swear it’s making people more stupid.
I recently read about a couple in Pennsylvania who decided to watch the finale of American Idol. They apparently had a bit to drink, and started arguing about who should win. They then retrieved knives from the kitchen and stabbed each other…………..
Clearly these two are not altogether there in the first place, but c’mon….stabbing? Really?
I know when I was a kid I watched a lot of sitcoms which aren’t all that intellectually stimulating but I at least balanced it out with a bit of learning. I don’t want to generalize too much but I bet there’s a lot of kids today who can tell you anything about Kim Kardashian and have no idea who Caligula is…..Which person do you think was more important in the larger scheme of things?
I predict that there will continue to be a rise in these types of shows until there is nothing left but reality TV. When that day comes, I will be cancelling my cable and making more use out of my library card.
That’s just my two cents.