Sunday, March 31, 2013

I am a champion!.............pie eater

So today is Easter Sunday-the day where we come together with friends and family to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus........AND stuff ourselves senseless!
Even right now as I sit here writing, I’m eating my step mom’s chocolate cake and it is fantastic! We had a great dinner and nice family time.  The food was great and we are so lucky to live in a country where we can enjoy this sort of luxury.

But as I sat through the meal, laughing and chatting with my family, I really could only think about one thing......
Grandma Dorothy’s homemade pie....

I’m not joking when I say it’s probably the best pie I’ve ever had in my entire life! Tonight’s specialty was coconut crème. She makes the crust from scratch and it’s never burnt or nasty looking. It’s perfectly golden and flaky. The filling was so rich and creamy and the top has the perfect amount of whipped cream.

As I mentioned in a previous post, I have lost weight recently but this pie is so worth taking a few steps backwards
I will not lie to you when I say that I had a piece after dinner, and I got one to take home- and I'm probably going to scarf it down tonight too!

But it’s Easter weekend; a girl’s got to enjoy herself sometimes right?
I’ll start again tomorrow...or Tuesday.....Friday at the latest.....

Mmmmmm pie.......
Thanks for stopping by

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sometimes being single is the shiznit.....

So I decided to reward myself this evening and order really nasty, greasy Chinese food. As a reward for what-I don’t exactly know yet, but I generally feel most days I should be rewarded for making it out the door somewhat unscathed.

But I digress....

It occurs to me as I sit on my couch after scarfing said Chinese food in a most unladylike manner, that sometimes being a single gal is not so bad!
Case in point- my Chinese food is MY Chinese food. That means no one, and I mean no one touches my fortune cookie! Did I order enough for six people? You bet your a$$ I did-but that will feed me for a week!
Also, since stuffing myself senseless, “if” I was perhaps feeling full and uncomfortable-as a single gal I feel quite ok with going pantsless the rest of the evening because my tummy is super full of msg and my pants are too tight.

That got me thinking-What are some other perks of being single? Here are a few of my favorites:

·         The bed is mine! All mine!!! (except the pillow I share with my cat, but really, that is NOT my choice)

·         Brushing my hair and my teeth-totally optional! ( I like to err on the side of hygiene of course, but I like to know the option is there)

·         If I want to go to bed at 7:30- I will! And I owe no one an explanation....

·         My last $50 WILL go to support my shoe addiction

·         The remote is in MY possession at ALL times

·         Where I go, and what I do is totally my decision and my business

·         Shame free ugly crying....

For those that don’t know what ugly crying is, this is the open mouthed, mascara dripping sob that sounds like a cross between a whale and your soul dying-usually reserved for things like:

·         The Bachelor- “Why can’t those two people who’ve known each other for 30 seconds make a go of it?”

·         Romantic Comedies-“that can totally happen in real life....right?”

·         Your cat threw up in your favorite shoes and you realize no one loves you

For those of you who say, “ but Court, you can totally do all those things when paired off!” I say to you as politely as I can- Please shut your face, I’m trying to make myself feel ok about the giant food baby I’ve just created.
But seriously-there are so many perks to being single as well as part of a duo, and as long as you’re happy and comfortable with yourself, then you are equipped to deal with anything that may come your way.

Thanks for stopping by.





Thursday, March 21, 2013

In my world boiled chicken will never taste as good as KFC...

So I recently lost 40 pounds…(okay, not recently, I think it took me around 10 months)
The first 20 were to get rid of the 20 I put on while eating my way through the junk food aisle going through a small “sad” period….
“No really, I’m not sad…gobble gobble…I’m fine… please pass the chocolate”
The other 20 were really just a bonus.

How did I lose the weight? Well it was quite simple really. It would appear,stuffing my piehole daily with all things cakes, cookies and Starbucks( yes that totally counts) contributed significantly to my weight gain. Therefore logically, one could assume that no longer stuffing said piehold would have the opposite effect.

OMG it totally did!

Here’s my issue:
I do not like eating healthy. I actually HATE it with every fibre of my being. BUT I enjoy wearing nice clothes and approaching potato sack lady status was becoming a bit of a perturbing thought.
Maybe it’s because I am, at heart a total carb and sugar addict and being told that all the things I like to eat contain those very things annoys me to my very core, or maybe, just maybe it’s being inundated by stick thin “healthy” people saying that “OH it’s soooo easy to work out for 5 hours a day and eat kale- I LOVE it”
You are either the most boring person on the planet or a total LIAR!

So, my rant really boils down to the fact that eating healthy and working out is probably actually a really good thing for a person. In body and mind, BUT don’t lie and pretend it’s easy… I do it because I have to.

I may possibly rant about this again because it’s a particularly hot button issue for me. I’d also be curious to hear if anyone else feels the same way.
Thanks for stopping by....

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Why am I here?

Hey everyone! Thanks for stopping by! I'm Court and I'm 31 years old and it was suggested to me by a former friend that since I seem to have an opinion on absolutely everything and have a tendancy to be the unfortunate participant in many a things gone awry that I should write about my experiences so that not only friends and family can laugh at me, but strangers as well.

So here's my very first post........
I think I'll use the first post to give "props" to my ex friend who gave me the idea and to also explain what karma is.Ex friends name is Crypto! Of course that's not his real name as that would be just silly on my part. My cousin and I gave him the name after she caught a particularily bad stomach bug that seemed to go away and just when you think it was gone for good...KABLAM it popped back up. It was not lost on us that this is how this dude is...

I met Crypto a year ago at work and instantly fell into a particularly awful state of instant love/lust...which he took full advantage of despite having a girlfriend( let's call her young one- and while we are at it, lets call me Naive Idiot) Cut to a year later- after some really bad choices based on what Crypto tells me about young one-he finally breaks up with her(for the second time) and comes running to me also for the second time ( I told you I'm a naive idiot). Of course my spidey sense is tingling all this time and I warn Crypto that if he hurts me again I will run him over with my car....but he assures me it's all good- he's just not ready for a relationship...yet....So we spend a glorious week hanging out and having fun...and then one day about a week or so later I wake up to find out via Facebook that Crypto is "in a relationship" with "New Girl".....I was like whaaaaat....
So naturally being a Leo, my anger is off the charts and I send Crypto a nasty text message telling him I hope very bad things happen to him. But then when anger fades I wanted to find out more...His excuse was " I was going to tell you on the weekend" RIIIIIGHHT, going to tell me on Saturday something I already found out on Wednesday...Crypto is not that bright.

Sooo I naturally decide to take this opportunity to move on and on the right foot, so I confess things to young one...then funilly enough (is funilly a word?) young one tells me that Crypto cheated on New Girl with her...(Crypto and New girl have only been dating for a few weeks at this point) so then young one and I decide to send New girl a message about what Crypto did, and she dumps his sorry lying ,cheating a$$....and that my friends is thank you Crypto for giving me the idea about blogging and then giving me the material for my first time I promise I'll write about something far more interesting...