Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Random $h*t..........

I couldn’t think of an actual “topic” but as any of my friends (Facebook or otherwise) know, I tend to have really weird questions/observations that I like to force on put to my fellow peeps.

But rather than inundate FB all the time with really weird random thoughts, I thought I’d just jot a few things down while I’m thinking of them.

For those that don’t know me very well, my mind is pretty much like a tornado. Various thoughts, questions, anxieties etc all blow around in there round and around. I’m getting much better at controlling it, but sometimes I still get tornado brain. It helps to jot it down.

So here’s what’s been floating around in here for a while.

If someone is chasing you in a car down a road with a forest on both sides, why do you continue to run down the road? Can you not go into the woods where the car cannot follow?

Why do women scream and run upstairs in horror movies?

Why are people afraid of Chucky? Other than he is a creepy looking ginger- he’s a doll, he’s like 3 inches high….kick him or step on him. (I may be wrong on that one, since I’ve never actually seen any of those movies as I am too chicken) Don’t judge me- I know it’s hypocritical.

Why is Halloween all of a sudden an “acceptable” time for women to dress like ho-bags? If your ass does not look good hanging out of a short skirt on a Tuesday, it’s not going to look any better on Halloween.

How come you get presents for getting engaged, getting married and having a baby? Where is the present for being able to remain single? Like hey congrats- you won’t have to one day divide up half your stuff, way to hang in there!! (That one was from Sex and the City, but I thought it was an extremely valid point)

What is a better relief? Being able to go to the bathroom when you have to pee soooo bad OR being able to climb into your bed when you’re so tired you can’t keep your eyes open.

How come you have to kiss oh so many frogs to get to your prince? (Which as previously mentioned is really just a retard dressed in tinfoil)

How come the person you think is “meant” for you has no idea you actually exist?
Why is food that is good for you taste bland and boring –has anyone ever actually eaten kale? Blech…

How come there are allowed to be “triple threats”- Some of us would love to have ONE talent, and you can sing, dance, act and are good looking? WTF is up with that? That’s just selfish really….

How come even though we fight it so hard, we all turn into our mothers?

Who decided clowns are a happy children’s entertainer? They are FREAKY scary!! Pennywise anyone?

Okay, I think that’s enough for now…but don’t worry, I have a LOT more….

If you have any answers to any of my questions or an opinion on anything, I’d love to hear it!

 Ciao for now!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Dreams -past life memories, future prophecies or just bad cheese?……………

So I had this dream the other night that was super weird- I was visiting a friend and her baby except the baby was a doll and had a screw on head. I accidentally dropped said baby and she accidentally stepped backwards onto its head. Then the doll (baby) head was all askew and I was trying to screw it back in and I couldn't.

Does this mean that in the future people should really not give me babies to hold? Is it fear come back to haunt me from the past, or is it the junk food I ate before bed?

I guess the answer depends on who you talk to.

I've always believed that dreams are there to tell you something that you didn't otherwise get on your own and that you should pay attention. However, I wouldn't discount that maybe your brain is just purging old information or something?

As far as I know, I have never had a dream and then that very thing has happened. That sometimes happens when I’m daydreaming but that’s for another post.

The one thing I’d really like to know more about is the past life thing. I do believe some dreams are either memories from a past life that you have lived, or somehow a collection of memories from ancestors. The reason I believe this is because it’s happened to me and I remember each and every one.

The first time it happened I was in my late teens. I remember seeing this town that that looked like something out of the 1920-1930’s era. The town was flooding. I could see a little black boy in tattered clothes riding a homemade wooden raft down the river. He looked exhausted and frightened but determined as well. I could see him, but I also could sense what he was sensing and I kept hearing a voice say “Remember the Louisiana flood” over and over.

I woke up and thought well that’s a peculiar dream so I thought maybe I’ll try to make some sense of it.

I googled Louisiana floods and sure enough the Great Mississippi flood of 1927 popped up. It apparently was the most destructive river flood in the history of the United States. I kept thinking- How could I have known anything about that. I find history rather boring at times; I certainly wouldn't look that stuff up as a hobby. I suppose it’s possible I saw it somehow in passing and my brain stored it away, but I just don’t feel that that is correct. It happened a few more times, with the same sort of result, so I’m going to stick with my theory.

The second time I was in probably my mid-twenties or so. In my dream I was in this castle and I was a maid or servant of some kind. I apparently wasn't supposed to be there because I felt frightened but also compelled to stay hiding behind this pillar. Again, I saw the girl visually in my dream but I also felt what she was feeling. I saw two men that were priests, and there were talking french. I myself do not understand french, but in my dream I knew exactly what they were saying. They said “It’s time to act, it’s time to kill the witches-we have the way”

So, again, I thought hmmm that’s odd. Turned to old google and discovered that there was a book written in 1487 that was called “Malleus Maleficarum” or “The Witches Hammer” and basically was an instruction manual on how to detect, test and kill a “witch” It was written by a German guy, but it spread throughout Europe. In 1490 the Catholic Church condemned the book as false, but for a while it was quite popular.

Again, I don’t know if I had seen anything pertaining to this, but I don't think so. I will again stick with my theory. A few more dreams popped up over the years, but I won’t bother explaining those.

OR maybe it’s all just garbage- I did after all have a dream that N’Sync was fighting a mother and son who turned into squirrels….so……

I would be curious to know if anyone else has had a similar experience.